

Terroir & Spice 在2018年創立於新加坡,是一間專營食品飲料的廣告行銷公司,我們為來自世界各地包含歐洲、美洲、南美洲、大洋洲和日本的客戶提供全方面的行銷整合服務。在新加坡、台灣、越南皆設有辦公室,為客戶於亞洲和東南亞進行實體和線上行銷活動。

About the Company
Founded in Singapore in 2018, T&S is a dynamic marketing agency providing marketing services, promotional activities and
communication solutions in the Asia Pacific area. Our company has the expertise to support their customers in the Food and Beverage industry with the aim of exchanging culinary art and culture. It’s our flexibility, simplicity and efficiency that make us unique.
Our company has a great and extensive network of partnerships in many Asian countries. We have offices in Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam. 1. 優於勞基法的年假天數
2. 勞健保及勞退提撥
3. 產品相關的專業訓練課程
4. 上班時間:週一至週五 AM 9:30~PM 18:30,週休二日
5. 不定期員工聚餐,零食mini bar
6. 團隊業績達成年度獎金


1. 優於勞基法的年假天數
2. 勞健保及勞退提撥
3. 產品相關的專業訓練課程
4. 上班時間:週一至週五 AM 9:30~PM 18:30,週休二日
5. 不定期員工聚餐,零食mini bar
6. 團隊業績達成年度獎金

  • 年終獎金
  • 彈性時間
  • 固定調薪
  • 團體保險
  • 健康檢查



專案經理 Trade Marketing Manager


{Missions} *Manage clients' projects including trade marketing & events. *Define, build and implement communication and marketing strategy with Digital Managers for an integrated campaign. *Plan and deploy trade promotion programs for food and beverage products via all channels (distributors, re......

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  • 積極招募中更新